
Showing posts with the label Standard Input and Output

Python3 Standard Input and Output

Python Standard input and output STANDARD INPUT AND OUTPUT Python Output :              We use the print() function to output data to the standard output devices.            eg:                    print("HELLO WORLD")           output:  HELLO WORLD   eg:        a=20               print("The value of a is ",a)               print("The value of a is "+ str(a))         output:  The value of a is 20                       The value of a is 20   OUTPUT FORMATING :   eg:      a=10;b=30             print("The value of a is {} and b is{}".format(a, b))         output:   The value of a is 10 and b is 30     eg:      a=10;b=30              print("The value of b is {1} and a is {0}".format(a, b))        output:    The value of b is 30 and a is 10     eg:         print("Hello {name},{greeting}".format(name="Suma", greeting="Good Morning"))         output:    Hello Suma, Good Morning   eg:         print("the stor