
Showing posts with the label Data types 1

Python3- Data types1

Python DATA TYPES:-         In python, every value has a datatypes. Everything is the object in python programming, datatypes are actually classes and variables are instances(object) of these classes.        1. Numeric         2. Boolean        3. Sequence type               1.Strings                2.List                3.Tuple        4. Set        5. Dictionaries.                                                                        NUMBERS(NUMERIC):-            In this numeric values are stores in variables which are immutable  (the values assigned to a variables can be changed).           *  Integers(int) ,float point numbers(float)  and complex numbers(complex) are involved in this.                      * type() function  used to know which class a variable or value belongs to .           * isinstance() function used to check if an object belongs to particular class or not.            * complex() function used to convert integers to complex       eg:-         1.